
Savings account

Do you want to manage unforeseen expenses and build up secure savings? An Diamond Bank savings account lets you save in a way that suits you and comes with a great interest rate (variable between different banks, but subject to a fixed minimum rate set by the Central Bank).

You can access your savings at any time with the option of making daily withdrawals. You can also pay in cash or cheques and make transfers at a time that suits you, as often as you like.

You earn interest on your savings, which is paid into your account once a year. This account is only available to current account holders.

Term deposits

Term deposits are flexible investments. The investment period and interest rate can be negotiated, taking into account market conditions and the minimum term and deposit amount set by the bank.

If you need to access your money before the deposit reaches maturity, you can either request an advance or ask for the funds to be repaid.

Customers must sign an agreement with their bank in order to make a term deposit. Interest is paid when the deposit reaches maturity. Term deposits are only available to current account holders.

Cash vouchers

Like term deposits, cash vouchers are flexible investments. The investment period and interest rate can be negotiated, taking into account market conditions and the minimum term and deposit amount set by the bank. Cash vouchers are securities that are issued by a bank in exchange for a deposit. They are subject to payment and investment conditions that are determined at the time of subscription, when interest is paid.


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